Table 2

Rate of CI-976 (50 μM) and M-1 (25 μM) disappearance in freshly isolated hepatocytes from male and female rats

Gender/TreatmentRate of CI-976 Disappearance2-aRate of M-1Disappearance2-a
Male0.40  ± 0.102-b 0.63  ± 0.202-c
 (N = 7)
Male PB control0.56  ± 0.072-b 0.69  ± 0.152-b
 (N = 3)
Male PB induced0.91  ± 0.192-c 1.33  ± 0.112-b
 (N = 3)
Male CF control0.36  ± 0.172-c 0.43  ± 0.122-d
 (N = 3)
Male CF induced1.49  ± 0.132-d 2.48 (2.30, 2.66)2-e , 2-d
 (N = 3)
Female0.14  ± 0.052-b 0.73  ± 0.28
 (N = 3)
  • Values are means ± SD. PB, phenobarbital; CF, clofibrate.

  • 2-a Nmol/min/106 cells.

  • 2-b p < 0.01 between male and female (CI-976) and PB control and induced (M-1).

  • 2-c p < 0.05 between PB control and induced (CI-976) and the rate of CI-976 and M-1disappearance.

  • 2-d p < 0.001 between CF control and induced (both CI-976 and M-1).

  • 2-e Mean of two values.