Table 1

Interrelationships between influx, efflux, and sequestration coefficients for the DM and the GM and their physical equivalents

Coefficient Coefficients for DM1-aCoefficients for GM1-bPhysical Equivalents for GM1-b
sec−1 ml sec−1 ml−1 ml sec−1 ml−1
Influx k 12 Embedded Image Embedded Image
Efflux k 21 k−1 or ftk −1 Embedded Image
Sequestration k e kseq or ftk seq Embedded Image
  • 1-a Transfer coefficients for the DM.

  • 1-b Transfer coefficients for the GM and their physical equivalents.

  • 1-c k1 =PinS/Vcell; θ′ = θ/(1 + γref); θ = Vcell/Vp, where Vp is the sinusoidal plasma volume andVcell is the cellular water volume; γref = [fu γSuc + (1 −fuAlb] is the apparent space ratio (interstitial/total vascular space) for total substrate;fu is the fraction of unbound tracer within the vascular plasma space; and γAlb and γSuc are the ratios of the interstitial space to the vascular plasma water space for albumin and sucrose, respectively.

  • 1-d PinS is the influx permeability cell surface area product,PoutS is the efflux permeability cell surface area product, and ft is the unbound fraction in tissue.

  • 1-e CLint, the hepatic intrinsic clearance for removal, equals Vmax/(Km +Ct,u), where Vmax is the maximum velocity per unit of cell water, Km is the corresponding Michaelis-Menten constant for the irreversible removal of substrate, and Ct,u is the average unbound concentration in tissue water.