Table 3

Effects of DEX on the intestinal and hepatic metabolism of indinavir in rats (mean ± S.D., n = 3–4)

μM pmol/min/mg microsomal protein μl/min/mg microsomal protein
LiverControl2.12  ± 1.30100  ± 4459.0  ± 26.8
DEX-treated2.64  ± 0.851325  ± 4493-a 500  ± 333-a
IntestineControl4.78  ± 2.7412.8  ± 5.02.94  ± 0.86
DEX-treated3.22  ± 1.5629.8  ± 4.63-b 9.25  ± 3.43-b
  • 3-a Significantly different between control and DEX-treated rats at p < .001.

  • 3-b Significantly different between control and DEX-treated rats at p < .01.