Table 1

Apparent kinetic parameters for the N-glucuronidation of (R)- and (S)-ketotifen and amitriptyline in homogenates or membranes of cells expressing UGT1A4 or UGT1A3 and in human liver microsomes

SubstrateExpressed UGT1A4Expressed UGT1A3Liver Microsomes
(R)-Ketotifen59  ± 5130  ± 20180; 2705.4; 6.52.4  ± 1.222  ± 1685  ± 21113  ± 54
15 ± 21-a 470 ± 901-a
(S)-Ketotifen86  ± 26140  ± 2096; 1509.5; 141.016037165
1.3  ± 0.31-a 92  ± 471-a 60  ± 201-a 440  ± 1001-a
Amitriptyline100  ± 10340  ± 300.4; 2.1520; 47027; 25650; 550
1.4  ± 0.21-a 310  ± 201-a 8.4  ± 5.41-a 250  ± 1901-a

KM values are given in micromolars,Vmax in picomoles per minute per milligram of protein. When mean ± S.D. is given, N = 3 or 4. Kinetic data for (R)- and (S)-ketotifen in liver microsomes are taken from Mey et al. (1999), those for amitriptyline in the presence of Triton from Breyer-Pfaff et al. (1997).

  • 1-a  Triton X-100 0.02% as detergent