Table 1

MS data (m/z) for T138067 and T138068 metabolites and their sources of origin

CompoundCalculated MassDetermined MassHepG2 CellsMouse UrineMouse Bile
 Metabolite I658.08659.1
 Metabolite II529.04530.2
 Metabolite III472.02473.2
 Metabolite IV514.03515.2
 Metabolite V384.993861-b
 Metabolite I640.09641.2
 Metabolite II511.05512.0
 Metabolite III454.03455.3

Mass data for the parent compounds T138067 and T138068 were obtained by electron impact/MS using a gas chromatograph as the inlet source for the ionization chamber. Metabolite V was analyzed by chemical ionization/MS (ionization gas methane). All other MS data were obtained by ES/MS (positive ion spray mode). The samples were introduced into the ion source by flow injection after HPLC purification. √ indicates the presence of the metabolites in the various samples.

  • 1-a  Electron impact/MS data

  • 1-b  Chemical ionization/MS data (additional signals were found at m/z 400 (M[CH5]+) and 414 (M[C2H5]+).