Table 1

X-ray crystal structure of JANEX-1-M: crystal data and refinement statistics

Unit cell
a 19.4167(13) Å
b 7.2950(5) Å
c 24.1266(17) Å
Space groupPbca
Unit cell volume3417.4(4) Å3
Z 8
q range for data collection1.69 to 28.24°
Limiting indices−25 ≤h ≤ 24
−9 ≤ k ≤ 9
−31 ≤l ≤ 22
Reflections collected20014
Independent reflections4056 (R int = 0.070)
Goodness of fit onF 2 1.025
Final R indices [I > 2s(I)]R1 = 0.073, wR2 = 0.20
R indices (all data)R1 = 0.16, wR2 = 0.27
Absorption coefficient0.094 mm−1
Maximum and minimum transmission0.991, 0.946
Largest difference peaks0.42, −0.37 eÅ−3

Rint = SFo2− 〈Fo2/SFo2, R1 = SFoFc/SFo, wR2 = { S[w(Fo2 − Fc2)2]/S[ w(Fo2)2]}1/2, GooF = S = {S[ w(Fo2Fc2)2]/(np)}1/2, where n = reflections,p = parameters.