Table 1

FMO content and kinetics of methimazole-dependent S-oxidation for expressed hFMO2.1 and mFMO2

FMO ContentKinetic Parameters ofS-Oxidation1-a
nmol FMO · mg−1 ProteinPercent FMO2VmaxKmVmax/KmR2

FMO content was determined by flavin assay (Fader and Siegel, 1973). The nanomoles of FAD · milligram−1 associated with expressed control protein was subtracted from test proteins, and a 1 FAD/1 FMO molar ratio was assumed. Percent FMO2 was derived assuming 16.4 nmol of FAD · mg−1 of hFMO2.1 and mFMO2.

  • 1-a  Vmax = nanomoles · minute−1 · nanomole−1 of FMO;Km = millimolar determined at pH 8.5 using methimazole at 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 mM; R2 = Lineweaver-Burke correlation coefficients.