Table 1

Inhibition of methimazole S-oxidation in dog microsomes by FMO substrates

MicrosomesAdditionMethimazole S-Oxidase Activity
nmol/min/mg % of inhibition
LiverControl6.2  ± 0.30
+ Imipramine (0.7 mM)1.7  ± 0.473
+ Trimethylamine (1 mM)5.5  ± 0.511
LungControl3.4  ± 0.30
+ Imipramine (0.7 mM)2.9  ± 0.135
+ Trimethylamine (1 mM)2.2  ± 0.216
+Imipramine (0.7 mM)
+ Trimethylamine (1 mM)

Each value represents the mean ± S.D. of four determinations. The rate of methimazole S-oxidation was monitored for 2 min at 37°C; then the substrates were added to the sample and reference cuvettes, and the reaction rate was recorded for 3 min.

  • N.D. not detected; —, not determined.