IC50 values of 4-MUG on the transport of [3H]E217ßG

Each value was calculated by fitting the data shown in Fig. 7. r represents the ratio of the contribution of the higher affinity component into the equations (see Materials and Methods). IC50High and IC50Low mean the IC50 value for the high-affinity site and for the low-affinity site, respectively. Values represent the obtained parameter ± computer calculated S.D.

Rat Mrp2

Dog Mrp2
Single-site fitting
   IC50 (μM) 452 ± 28 585 ± 84
   AIC –25.1 –16.3
Two-site fitting
   r 0.80 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.15
   IC50High (μM) 400 ± 138 70.1 ± 51.8
   IC50Low (mM) 2.00 ± 0.63 1.54 ± 0.16