Summary of omeprazole metabolites in human plasma detected by the MDF method

Embedded Image

Peak in LC/MSa


Major Fragment Ionb

Molecular Formula

Δ MW from Omeprazole

Δ MD from Omeprazole

Structure Identified
Ec 305 -37 +0.0040 Endogenous compound
M1 362 214 C17H19N3O4S +16 (+O) -0.0051 Mono-oxidation metabolite
M2 316 168 C16H17N3O2S -30 (-O, -CH2) +0.0100 A product from reduction and demethylation
M3 362 214 C17H19N3O4S +O (+16) -0.0051 Mono-oxidation metabolite
Drug 346 198 C17H19N3O3S 0 Parent drug
M4 330 182 C17H19N3O2S -O (-16) +0.0051 A reduction product
+O (+16)
Mono-oxidation metabolite
  • a Peaks displayed on the TIC (Fig. 7B) of omeprazole metabolites in human plasma after MDF processing using the parent drug as a template.

  • b The fragment ions presented here were obtained from an omeprazole HLM sample acquired using Q-ToF LC/MS with a collision energy of 16 eV.

  • c The peak was assigned as an endogenous component on the basis of the protonated molecule at m/z 305 and consideration of the possible empirical formulae.