Mean (n = 6) percentage of dose excreted in urine and feces identified as ruboxistaurin and metabolites from healthy male subjects after a single oral administration of 64 mg of [14C]ruboxistaurin

Metabolite I.D.

Percentage of Dose Represented by Metabolitea
Urine (0-48 h)
Fecesb (0-120 h)
Ruboxistaurin <1.0 1.2 1.3
1 (LY338522) 1.1 28.0 29.2
5 <1.0 9.2 9.4
3 <1.0 4.1 4.2
28 c <1.0 3.9 3.9
17 <0.1 3.0 3.1
14 c 2.5 2.5
2 c <0.1 1.8 1.8
10 + 12 <0.1 1.1 1.1
Total radioactivity identifiedd 2.3 57.2 59.5
Total radioactivity excreted
  • 1 = N-desmethyl ruboxistaurin; 2 = N,N-didesmethyl ruboxistaurin; 17, 10, 5, 15, 8, 11, 9 = N-desmethyl ruboxistaurin + O; 3, 14, 12, 16, 28 = ruboxistaurin + O; 29 = dealkylated ruboxistaurin (alcohol); 6 = N-oxide of ruboxistaurin; 27 = ruboxistaurin + O2; 18 = ruboxistaurin + O + glucuronide.

  • a Metabolite percentages have been adjusted for the extraction recovery results of approximately 91% for feces and approximately 100% for urine.

  • b For subject 4027, 0- to 144-h fecal samples were examined.

  • c In urine, 2 elutes with 14, and 15 elutes with 28.

  • d Metabolites 11, 8, 15, 27, 16, 29, 9, 18, and 6 each represented <1.0% of the total dose and are not included in the totals.