LC-accurate mass measurements and in-source fragmentation of muraglitazar metabolites from human feces and microbial incubations


Formula and Massa

Molecular Ionsb

Major Fragment Ionsc
M1 C17H18NO6, 332.1134 N.D. 332.1143 N.D. 226.0726
M2 C28H27N2O8, 519.1767 519.1790 519.1779 308.1304 308.1295,202.0872
M3 C29H29N2O9, 549.1873 549.1937 549.1880 N.D. 324.1247
M4 C29H29N2O9, 549.1873 549.1899 549.1882 N.D. 324.1244,306.1138
M5 C28H27N2O8, 519.1767 519.1747 519.1782 308.1273, 290.1187 308.1300,290.1189
M6 C28H27N2O8, 519.1767 519.1799 519.1795 N.D. 308.1296,202.0874
M7 C28H27N2O8, 519.1767 519.1774 519.1790 N.D. 290.1191,202.0875
M8a C29H29N2O8, 533.1924 533.1902 533.1984 308.1286 308.1308,202.0884
M8 C29H29N2O9, 549.1873 549.1888 549.1877 N.D. 324.1244
M9 C27H26N2O8Na, 529.1587 529.1620 529.1611 282.1148, 176.0726 282.1140,176.0723
M10 C29H29N2O8, 533.1924 533.1924 533.1951 308.1303, 290.1191 308.1303,290.1195
M11 C29H29N2O8, 533.1924 533.1937 533.1960 308.1295 308.1307,202.0884
M12 C29H27N2O9, 547.1717 547.1710 547.1742 322.1089 322.1093,216.0669
M14 C29H29N2O8, 533.1924 533.1934 533.1946 290.1186, 202.0884 290.1192,202.0880
M15 C28H27N2O7, 503.1818 503.1840 503.1835 292.1349 292.1347,186.0929
M16 C29H28N2O9Na, 571.1693 571.1708 571.1714 324.1244 324.1249,282.1136
C29H29N2O7, 517.1975
292.1342, 186.0927
  • N.D., not detected.

  • a The molecular ions of M9 and M16 are [M + Na]+ ions; all others are [M + H]+ ions.

  • b The lock mass used for the accurate mass measurement is 556.2771 Da.

  • c The fragment ions listed here are from in-source fragmentation in Q-TOF analysis. More in-source fragmentation ions were detected in the microbial incubations because of higher concentrations of metabolites than those in human feces.