Serum level of DNP-SG, and GST activity and glutathione content in liver, jejunum, and renal cortex

Level of DNP-SG in serum was assessed by HPLC, 5 min after administration of CDNB. GST activity toward CDNB was assessed in cytosolic fractions. Tissue content of glutathione was assessed in homogenates from hepatic and extrahepatic tissues. Data are means ± S.D. Sham group consists of animals studied at day 1 and 7 (three each).

Sham (n = 6)

BDL1 (n = 3)

BDL7 (n = 3)
Serum concentration of DNP-SG (mM) 0.024 ± 0.004 0.023 ± 0.002 0.019 ± 0.004
Liver GST activity (nmol/min/mg protein) 1610 ± 81 1228 ± 100* 1018 ± 236*
Intestinal GST activity (nmol/min/mg protein) 443 ± 51 516 ± 37 512 ± 9
Renal GST activity (nmol/min/mg protein) 352 ± 10 430 ± 34* 500 ± 12*,
Hepatic total glutathione content (nmol/g liver) 4544 ± 579 3193 ± 171* 2764 ± 744*
Hepatic GSSG content (nmol/g liver) 109 ± 30 238 ± 12* 276 ± 59*
Intestinal total glutathione content (nmol/g liver) 1958 ± 59 1115 ± 122* 1274 ± 113*
Intestinal GSSG content (nmol/g liver) 27 ± 4 36 ± 4* 30 ± 2
Renal total glutathione content (nmol/g liver) 462 ± 35 614 ± 62 1174 ± 168*,
Renal GSSG content (nmol/g liver)
18 ± 1
38 ± 4*
71 ± 10*,
  • * Significantly different from sham group (P < 0.05).

  • Significantly different from BDL1 group (P < 0.05).