Comparison of major B[a]p responses in vitro and in vivo

Responses are summarized from a number of references (Robinson et al., 1975; Nebert and Jensen, 1979; Conney, 1982; Nebert, 1989; Whitlock, 1999; Uno et al., 2004, 2006).

Molecular Events

End Responses
In vitro Binding to AhR ↑ Mutation in Ames test
Induction of CYP1A1 ↑ Micronuclei formation in V79 cells
Metabolic activation of B[a]p ↑ Apoptosis and cell death of cultured cells
trans-7,8-Diol 9,10 epoxide Identification of genetic B[a]p-resistant variants
↑ DNA & protein adduct formation
In vivoa
    Ah responsive (b/b or b/d) Strong induction of CYP1A1 & metabolism at site of entry Tumors and toxicity at proximate tissues Survival for >6 month
↑ First-pass detoxification
    Ah nonresponsive (d/d) Weak metabolism at site of entry Profound toxicity at distal tissues: bone marrow depression, leukocytopenia, & wasting
↓ First-pass detoxification
Death within 30 days
↑ Incidences of leukemia and thymomas at lower dose of B[a]p (12.5 mg/kg/day)
Similar to d/d
Profound toxicity and death similar to d/d
  • a Represents experiments in which B[a]p was given in corn oil-soaked food at daily oral B[a]p dose of ∼125 mg/kg/day for most responses or ∼12.5 mg/kg for tumor formation.