Quantification of the expression of five SULT isoforms in human tissue cytosols

Data are means ± S.D. for quantification of SULT expression in n tissue samples. Measurements were carried out in triplicate on each sample of cytosol. The range of values obtained with the panel of tissues is given in italics.

TissueSULT Expression
ng/mg cytosol protein ng/mg cytosol protein ng/mg cytosol protein ng/mg cytosol protein ng/mg cytosol protein ng/mg cytosol protein
Liver (n = 28)3200 ± 1100BLQ840 ± 230340 ± 1601600 ± 4205960 ± 1400
Range 420–4900 390–1600 50–660 680–2500 2300–7900
Intestine (n = 6)1300 ± 6502000 ± 11002400 ± 1300490 ± 470390 ± 1307800 ± 4600
Range 330–2200 770–3300 440–4000 250–510 50–1300 1900–15,900
Kidney (n = 3)170 ± 90120 ± 70130 ± 110BLQ5 ± 10430 ± 270
Range 100–270 70–200 60–260 BLQ-20 240–730
Lung (n = 4)60 ± 5060 ± 8040 ± 20110 ± 11030 ± 20290 ± 130
Range BLQ-120 5–170 10–50 BLQ-260 4–50 100–370
  • BLQ, below limit of quantification.