Success of the micropatterned hepatocyte coculture system at generation of major human metabolites for 27 compounds compared to other in vitro systemsa

In VivoMicrosomesbS-9bHepatocyte SuspensionbMicropatterned Coculture
48 h7 Days
Excretory metabolites >10% of dose
    All excretory metabolites3919 (49)22 (56)25 (64)27 (69)32 (82)
    Metabolites arising by phase 1 reactions only2917 (59)19 (66)19 (66)20 (69)24 (83)
    Metabolites arising by a phase 2 reaction102 (30)3 (30)6 (60)7 (70)8 (80)
    Metabolites that are one reaction from parent (primary)1612 (69)11 (69)12 (75)13 (81)15 (94)
    Metabolites that are two or more reactions from parent (secondary)237 (48)11 (48)13 (57)14 (61)17 (74)
Circulatory metabolites >10% of total drug-related material
    All circulating metabolites4017 (43)19 (48)21 (53)28 (70)30 (75)
    Metabolites arising by phase 1 reactions only3114 (52)16 (52)14 (45)22 (71)23 (74)
    Metabolites arising by a phase 2 reaction93 (33)3 (33)7 (78)6 (67)7 (78)
    Metabolites that are one reaction from parent (primary)1611 (69)11 (69)12 (75)12 (75)14 (88)
    Metabolites that are two or more reactions from parent (secondary)246 (25)8 (33)9 (38)16 (67)16 (67)
  • a Values in parentheses represent success rates expressed as percentages.

  • b Data from Dalvie, et al., 2009.