The rhCYP2C8 and rhCYP3A4 SNP variants included in our system and their metabolic activities compared with literature values

The CLints (which reflect the enzyme activity) of the SNP variants were compared with those of the prototypic enzymes (see Supplemental Table S1). The activities in parentheses are assumed activities based on the structural alterations or the metabolic ratio of probe substrate.

P450 SNP VariantsAllele NumberActivityaLiterature Activity
CYP2C8.1 (prototype)CYP2C8*1NormalNormal
    CYP2C8.2 (I269F)CYP2C8*2DecreaseDecreaseb
    CYP2C8.3 (R139K, K399R)CYP2C8*3DecreaseDecreaseb,c
    CYP2C8.4 (I264M)CYP2C8*4DecreaseDecreasec
CYP3A4.1 (prototype)CYP3A4*1NormalNormal
    CYP3A4.18 (L293P)CYP3A4*18NormalIncreased; normale,f,g
    CYP3A4.7 (G56D)CYP3A4*7NormalNormalg,h
    CYP3A4.9 (V170I)CYP3A4*9NormalNormalh
    CYP3A4.3 (M445T)CYP3A4*3NormalNormald,f,h
    CYP3A4.15 (R162Q)CYP3A4*15Normal(Normal)i
    CYP3A4.14 (L15P)CYP3A4*14Normal(Normal)i
    CYP3A4.4 (I118V)CYP3A4*4Normal(Decrease)j
    CYP3A4.19 (P467S)CYP3A4*19NormalNormald,f
    CYP3A4.2 (S222P)CYP3A4*2DecreaseDecreaseg,k; normalk
    CYP3A4.5 (P218R)CYP3A4*5Decrease(Decrease)j
    CYP3A4.16 (T185S)CYP3A4*16Decrease(Normal)i; decreasee,g
    CYP3A4.10 (D174H)CYP3A4*10DecreaseNormalh
    CYP3A4.12 (L373F)CYP3A4*12Decrease(Normal)i; decreaseh
    CYP3A4.13 (P416L)CYP3A4*13DecreaseNo P450 holoproteinh
    CYP3A4.11 (T363M)CYP3A4*11DecreaseDecreasee,h
    CYP3A4.8 (R130Q)CYP3A4*8N.D.No P450 holoproteinh
    CYP3A4.17 (F189S)CYP3A4*17N.D.Decreased,f
  • N.D., not detectable.

  • a The activities of the rhCYP2C8 and rhCYP3A4 enzymes were tested by using BOMCC and DBF, respectively, as substrates.

  • b Dai et al., 2001b;

  • c Bahadur et al., 2002;

  • d Dai et al., 2001a;

  • e Murayama et al., 2002;

  • f Lee et al., 2005;

  • g Miyazaki et al., 2008;

  • h Eiselt et al., 2001;

  • i Lamba et al., 2002;

  • j Hsieh et al., 2001;

  • k Sata et al., 2000.