Aclidinium hydrolysis and BChE activities in different human subcellular fractions

The net enzymatic hydrolysis results are expressed as the mean of duplicate measurements. BChE activities were determined as reported in the experimental section and expressed as the mean of three measurements ± S.D. unless indicated otherwise.

TissueFractionSource/BatchNet Enzymatic Aclidinium HydrolysisBChE Activity
pmol alcohol/min/mg proteinnmol thiocholine/min/mg protein
BloodPlasmaAlmirall, S.A./NA93.250.9 ± 16.0a
Red blood cellsAlmirall, S.A./NA1.11.9 ± 0.1
LiverMicrosomalXenoTech,/021000219.07.0 ± 0.1
S9Human Biologics International/ ± 0.1
LungMicrosomalXenoTech,/021035438.015.5 ± 0.2
S9XenoTech,/021035254.013.3 ± 0.2
  • NA, not applicable.

  • a Mean value ± S.D. (n = 6).