Differential toxicity of CAR-null mice compared with wild-type mice treated with 5 mg/kg/day parathion for 2 consecutive days

Data are shown as number of mice showing toxicity/number of mice treated.

TreatmentWT (M)CAR-Null (M)WT (F)CAR-Null (F)
0 mg/kg/day0/50/50/50/5
3 mg/kg TCPOBOP0/40/50/40/5
5 mg/kg/day parathion0/5*4/4*2/5*5/5*
20 mg/kg/day parathion4/44/4
  • M, male; F, female.

  • * Statistical significance was assessed by Mann-Whitney rank-sum tests using toxicity rankings depending on the severity: 1 = not toxic; 2 = eye leakage; 3 = lethargy; slow movements or tremors; and 4 = death. Male and female data, p = 0.0079.