X-ray crystallography data collection statistics

Values in parentheses correspond to the highest resolution shell.

Crystal Sample
mNAT-ImNAT-IImNAT (Merged)
X-ray sourceID 14-1ID 23-2
Crystal systemTriclinicTriclinicTriclinic
Unit-cell parameters (Å, °)
    a, b, c, Å91.07, 135.02, 147.4891.54, 135.83, 147.84,
    α, β, γ, °78.27, 77.77, 89.9678.22, 77.89, 89.97
Maximum resolution, Å2.93.23.0
Mosaicity, °
Molecules per asymmetric unit444
Matthews coefficient, Å3/Da2.892.93
Space groupP1P1P1
Wavelength, Å0.9340.975
No. of observed reflections219,268 (20,892)223,954 (24,999)338,761 (41,810)
No. of unique reflections133,319 (16,784)78,529 (10,857)112,209 (16,428)
Resolution limits, Å51.1–2.950.0–3.250 0.0–3.20
Redundancy1.6 (1.2)2.8 (2.2)3.0 (2.5)
Completeness, %89.8 (77.3)69.5 (65.1)81.8 (81.7)
Rpim, %5.6 (14.0)14.3 (68.9)17.5 (63.4)
I9.6 (3.6)6.3 (1.4)7.0 (4.2)