Inhibition of BROD and BUP hydroxylase activities in BNF- and PB-pretreated RLM and cDNA-expressed CYP2B1 by ANF, proadifen, and metyrapone

BUP hydroxylase activity was determined by incubating 500 μM BUP, 0.05 mg of microsomal protein, and 1 mM NADPH for 30 min. HBUP formation was quantitated by HPLC. BROD activity was determined by incubating with 20.5 μM benzyloxyresorufin and 1 mM NADPH for 2 min. Resorufin formation was quantitated by spectrofluorometry. IC50 values are the mean ± S.E.

ReactionsLiver MicrosomesInhibitory Effects, IC50
BRODBNF pretreated0.00248 ± 0.0008447.1 ± 3.740.8 ± 4.6
PB pretreated>1000.688 ± 0.1610.806 ± 0.663
cDNA-expressed CYP2B1N.D.38.1 ± 1.31.85 ± 1.11
BUP hydroxylationBNF pretreated>100>10041.8 ± 3.4
PB pretreated>1001.21 ± 0.493.89 ± 1.54
cDNA-expressed CYP2B1N.D.14.9 ± 3.77.52 ± 0.54
  • N.D., not determined.