Kinetic parameters for human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activities in human liver microsomes and recombinant UGT enzymes

EnzymeaIncubation ConditionsaKm or S50VmaxKsinCLint or CLmaxb
μMpmol · min1 · mg1μMμl · min1 · mg1
UGT1A1HLM11 ± 0.8820 ± 20N.A.2.5 ± 0.440
HLM + BSA170 ± 201400 ± 70N.A.1.8 ± 0.24.1
rUGT13 ± 0.81300 ± 20N.A.2.6 ± 0.351
rUGT + BSA120 ± 41700 ± 30N.A.2.7 ± 0.27.6
UGT1A4HLM42 ± 101500 ± 30064 ± 20N.A.36
HLM + BSA67 ± 10870 ± 50N.A.N.A.13
rUGT15 ± 4970 ± 20082 ± 30N.A.67
rUGT + BSA140 ± 605900 ± 2000490 ± 300N.A.43
UGT1A6HLM420 ± 5066,000 ± 300015,000 ± 3000N.A.160
HLM + BSA330 ± 3047,000 ± 110041,000 ± 9000N.A.140
rUGT570 ± 504900 ± 20013,000 ± 2000N.A.8.6
rUGT + BSA490 ± 2005400 ± 100017,000 ± 10,000N.A.11
UGT1A9HLM98 ± 301400 ± 300690 ± 200N.A.14
HLM + BSA46 ± 4780 ± 10N.A.N.A.17
rUGT200 ± 702000 ± 500330 ± 100N.A.10
rUGT + BSA63 ± 101300 ± 903200 ± 1000N.A.20
UGT2B7HLM610 ± 302100 ± 30N.A.N.A.3.5
HLM + BSA150 ± 104700 ± 50N.A.N.A.32
rUGT900 ± 30900 ± 10N.A.N.A.1.1
rUGT + BSA320 ± 103100 ± 40N.A.N.A.9.8
  • Km, apparent substrate concentration at half-maximal velocity; S50 apparent substrate concentration at half-maximal velocity for substrates exhibiting atypical kinetics; Vmax, maximal velocity; Ksi, inhibition constant for substrates exhibiting substrate inhibition kinetics; n, Hill coefficient; CLint, intrinsic clearance; CLmax, maximal clearance; N.A., not applicable.

  • a HLM or rUGTs (0.025 mg/ml) were fully activated with alamethicin (10 μg/ml) and incubated with increasing substrate concentrations in 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH = 7.5) containing 5 mM MgCl2, 5 mM UDPGA, with or without 2% BSA, as described under Materials and Methods. Values were not corrected for nonspecific binding in incubation and represent mean ± S.E.M. for three to four experiments.

  • b CLint applies to all UGTs except UGT1A1, whereas CLmax was calculated because ES3-G formation displays atypical kinetics, as described under Materials and Methods.