Comparison of clearance and Km values obtained by the conventional and media loss methods

CompoundConventional MethodaMedia-Loss MethodaRatio of Clearance by Two Methods
μl · min1 · 106 cells1μMμl · min1 · 106 cells1μM
Atorvastatin113 ± 381.3 ± 0.7459 ± 2330.43 ± 0.244.1
Clarithromycin46 ± 1168 ± 111.5
Erythromycin26 ± 153.5 ± 0.935 ± 205.5 ± 3.51.2
Fexofenadine17 ± 1.74.7 ± 2.1117 ± 167.0
Pitavastatin7.1 ± 2.31705 ± 46613240
Repaglinide49.9 ± 3.549.3 ± 141.0
Rosuvastatin3.3 ± 1.91657 ± 849498
Saquinavir1675 ± 692.1 ± 1.21469 ± 2081.390.9
  • a Mean ± S.D. for n = 3.