Kinetic parameters of 4-MU glucuronidation catalyzed by RLM pretreated either with Brij-58 or alamethicin: kinetics by varying the UDP-GlcUA concentration

RLM pretreated with Brij-58 (0.25 mg/mg protein) and alamethicin (0.05 mg/mg protein) were used as the enzyme source.

μMnmol · min1 · mg protein1
Kinetics by varying 4-MUa
    Brij-5893.6 ± 0.326.3 ± 0.30.28
    Alamethicin163 ± 98.32 ± 0.150.05
Kinetics by varying UDP-GlcUAb
    Brij-58348 ± 2219.0 ± 0.30.05
    Alamethicin586 ± 494.73 ± 0.110.01
  • a 4-MU glucuronide formation was estimated at 10 concentrations of 4-MU (10–5000 μM). The concentration of UDP-GlcUA was set at 2 mM in this assay.

  • b 4-MU glucuronide formation was estimated at 10 concentrations of UDP-GlcUA (50–7500 μM). The concentration of 4-MU was set at 100 μM in this assay. Each value represents the optimized value ± S.E.