Post-HIPEC levels of free doxorubicin in peritoneum or ovarian carcinomatosis

In these samples, total doxorubicin consisted of free doxorubicin only. Biopsy specimens were obtained by inspecting the abdominal cavity at 2 to 3 min after HIPEC ended. Patients were coded as in Table 1. Two samples of normal peritoneum were obtained from patients 3 and 5; one carcinomatosis nodule was obtained from patient 3.

SampleTissue-Free Doxorubicin
Pt 2Pt 3Pt 5Pt 6, Pt 7Pt 2
Normal peritoneum10.20.51–0.461.2–4.111.512.5
Ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosisN.A.0.44N.A.N.A.N.A.
  • Pt, patient; N.A., not available.