Enzyme kinetic parameters N-DMI metabolism determined on the basis of recombinant P450 enzyme studies and prediction of the hepatic clearance of N-DMI by use of the static ISEF model

P450 IsoformPathwayCLintfu,micISEFaISEF and P450 Abundance Adjusted CLintbScaled CLintCLH% Total CLHc
µl/min/pmolµl/min/mg proteinl/hl/h
CYP1A2Metabolism0.030.80BD Sup0.843.60.0724.3
CYP2D6Metabolism0.050.80BD Sup0.411.80.0352.1
  • fu,mic, unbound fraction of N-DMI in microsomal incubations.

  • a Intersystem extrapolation factors used in the Simcyp compound file and in the static model calculations; ‘BD Sup’ indicates default values within Simcyp for incubations conducted with microsomes from BD Biosciences, whereas ‘User’ denotes in-house values; 1.16 for CYP2C8, 0.09 for CYP3A4, and 0.06 for CYP3A5. Because the P450 activity between different recombinant enzyme lots may vary, in-house ISEF factors for the key enzymes in imatinib metabolism were preferred. Furthermore, the best accuracy in CYP3A4 interaction predictions was obtained using these values. The in-house ISEF factors are based on Vmax for amodiaquine N-deethylation and midazolam 1’-hydroxylation in recombinant CYP2C8, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and in pooled HLM.

  • b The average P450 hepatic abundance values used were 52 pmol/mg protein for CYP1A2, 24 pmol/mg protein for CYP2C8, 8 pmol/mg protein for CYP2D6, 137 pmol/mg protein for CYP3A4, and 103 pmol/mg protein for CYP3A5 (these are average values of the North European Caucasian population within Simcyp). Because the sum of the ISEF- and P450 abundance adjusted CLint values from recombinant P450 enzymes was equivalent to about 60% of the HLM CLint value (20 µl/min/mg), the model for N-DMI in Simcyp also included an additional HLM CLint value of 7.9 µl/min/mg.

  • c Calculated contributions of each P450 enzyme to the total hepatic clearance of N-DMI, assuming that the total CLH equals 1.7 l/h (calculated based on the HLM CLint value).