Summary of THEO drug-dependent parameters

Molecular weight180.2Librarya
Log Po:w−0.02Library
B/P ratio0.815Library
Fa0.97Predicted c
ka (h−1)0.154(SR), 1.98(IR)Predicted d
Fg1Predicted by Qgut e
Vss (l/kg)0.39Predicted f
CLIV (l/h)3.0g
CLr (l/h)0.45h
CLint,u (l/hr)4.6i
fm and fe (%)J
  • Qgut, hybrid parameter of blood flow and drug permeability; Vss, volume of distribution at steady state.

  • a Refers to Simcyp compound library (version 11.1).

  • b Reported value is in the range of 0.56–0.60 (Hendeles et al., 1985; St-Pierre et al., 1985), and the mean value was used.

  • c Predicted from Caco-2 permeability of 25*10−6 cm/s (library) in Simcyp (version 11.1).

  • d IR (immediate release): predicted from Caco-2 permeability of 25*10−6 cm/s (library) in Simcyp (version 11.1). SR (sustained release): estimated from reported t1/2,a (absorption half-life) (Hendeles and Weinberger, 1983).

  • e Qgut model is provided in the Simcyp simulator. It retains the form of the “well stirred” liver model, but the flow term (Qgut) is a hybrid of both permeability through the enterocyte membrane and villous blood flow (Yang et al., 2007).

  • f Predicted according to Rodgers and Rowland (2007).

  • g Reported CLIV in nonpregnant, nonsmokers is 3.0 ± 0.7 l/h (number of studies = 26) (University of Washington Drug Interaction Database,

  • h Calculated by taking the product of CLIV and reported mean fe . Reported fe ranges 13–18% (n = 22) in nonpregnant, nonsmoking healthy volunteers (Tang-Liu et al., 1982; St-Pierre et al., 1985) and 16.0% ± 3.3% (n = 5) in postpartum women (Frederiksen et al., 1986) following i.v. dosing. Weighted mean fe was used.

  • i Back calculation from well stirred liver model using QH,B (hepatic blood flow) of 90 l/h.

  • l The contribution from individual CYP obtained in vitro is 91.7, 8, and 0.06% for 1A2, 2E1, and 3A, respectively (Tjia et al., 1996). However, in vivo drug-drug interaction studies using diltiazem and verapamil as the perpetrators (both are CYP3A mechanism-based inhibitors) reported an AUC percent change of 12–18% (Sirmans et al., 1988; Stringer et al., 1992), suggesting that CYP3A played a greater role in THEO metabolism in vivo. Therefore, the contribution from individual CYP (80, 8, and 12% for 1A2, 2E1, and 3A, respectively) was adjusted accordingly. In vivo fm for individual P450 was calculated by taking the product of fm (1 − fe) and the contribution from individual P450.