Relative distribution of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) metabolites in the liver, spleen, and head kidney microsomes of control and untreated trout

The sum of metabolites that were extracted from microsomal incubations correlates to 100%. Values in parentheses are the amount of picomoles of substance per milligram of protein per hour.

LiverSpleenHead Kidney
3-OH52.7% (0.39)22.2% (2.1)n.d.n.d.59.6% (0.05)32.1% (0.2)
7,8-diol31.7% (0.24)45.7% (4.4)73.1% (0.04)64.1% (0.073)40.4% (0.035)40.8% (0.26)
9,10-diol1.9% (0.02)8.7% (0.8)n.d.7.5% (0.009)n.d.7.4% (0.046)
9-OH13.7% (0.1)23.4% (2.2)26.9% (0.016)28.4% (0.03)n.d.19.7% (0.12)
Total metabolites100% (0.75)100% (9.5)100% (0.056)100% (0.112)100% (0.085)100% (0.63)
  • n.d., not detected.