Enzyme kinetic parameters for the conversion of 6-mercaptopurine to 6-thioxanthine by purified recombinant human aldehyde oxidase and 6-thioxanthine to 6-thiouric acid by E. coli lysate containing recombinant human xanthine oxidase

Data are representative of at least duplicate measurements ± S.E.M.

ReactionSourceEnzyme KineticsVmaxKcatKmKi
nmol/min per milligrammin−1μM μM
6MP → 6TXPurified human AOSubstrate InhibitionNANA0.2 ± 0.0572 ± 172NA244 ± 77
6TX → 6TUAHuman XO containing E. coli lysateMichaelis-MentenNANANA30 ± 2NANA