Description of the descriptors selected on the basis of feature selection with a greedy algorithm (other than the four default descriptors) for each clearance pathway

PathwayOrderaName of DescriptorbExplanation
CYP3A41DPSA3Difference between the sum of the product of VDW surface area and partial charge of all positively charged atoms and that of all negatively charged atoms
2No. alcohol groups primaryNumber of primary alcohol groups
3AlogP98 054 HLog P calculated by Ghose’s atom additive method (type 54)
4E state SdssCTopological environment of atoms and the atom-atom electronic interactions in the molecule
CYP2C91Auto Geary 05 AlogP98Autocorrelation used to transform AlogP98 into a uniform fixed-length representation
2No. rotatable bondsNumber of rotatable bonds
CYP2D61Fraction of 2D VSA H-bond acceptorFraction of surface area of H-bond acceptor atoms to total VDW surface area
2Auto Moran 02 polarizabilityAn autocorrelation used to transform polarizability into a uniform fixed-length representation
3AlogP98 070 NLog P calculated by Ghose’s atom additive method (type 70)
Renal1Fraction of 2D VSA polarFraction of surface area of polar atoms to the total VDW surface area
2Auto Moran 05 electronegativityAutocorrelation used to transform electronegativity into a uniform fixed-length representation
3AlogP98 117 PLog P calculated by Ghose’s atom additive method (type 117)
42D VSA polarVDW surface area of polar atoms
OATP1BCUT lowest eigenvalue 02 AlogP98Burden-CAS-University of Texas eigenvalues
2Auto Moreau Bruto 05 electronegativity averageAutocorrelation used to transform electronegativity into a uniform fixed-length representation
  • a Order: the order of addition of descriptors based on the greedy algorithm.

  • b Data source: Manual of PreADMET v2.0 (