Estimation of fBCLint and CLint for data from Mehvar et al. (1994)

Cin (μM)Cout (μM)FaCL = Q × EfPafP CLintaCLintbfBCLint(cal) = (1/F − 1) × QcB:PdfB = fP/(B:P)CLint(cal)
ng/ml (μM)ng/ml (μM)ml/minml/minml/minml/min
S-VER580 (1.28)35 (0.077)0.060314.10.1226022002340.760.161475
R-VER540 (1.19)16 (0.035)0.029614.60.2243019004910.660.331474
  • CL, clearance.

  • a Data reported by Mehvar et al. (1994).

  • b CLint based on fP CLint/fP, which is also reported by Mehvar et al. (1994).

  • c fBCLint(cal) based on our recalculation with the equation, according to the well stirred model (Pang and Rowland, 1977).

  • d From Robinson and Mehvar (1996) for low VER concentrations.