PBPK model–predicted pharmacokinetic parameters of crizotinib in healthy subjects following 28-day multiple oral administration of crizotinib with and without coadministration of ketoconazole or rifampin

Data are expressed as geometric mean with percent coefficient of variation (CV%) in parentheses (n = 15 per group × 6 groups). Dose levels were crizotinib 150 mg twice daily and ketoconazole 200 mg twice daily in the crizotinib-ketoconazole interaction and crizotinib 250 mg twice daily and rifampin 600 mg once daily in the crizotinib-rifampin interaction.

Control GroupTreatment GroupFold Increasea
Interacting DrugCmaxAUC0–τCmaxAUC0–τCmaxRAUCR
KetoconazolePredicted (on)b114 (57)1359 (57)250 (38)2978 (38)2.2 (47)2.2 (47)
Predicted (off)b66 (45)791 (46)221 (38)2619 (38)3.3 (33)3.3 (34)
RifampinPredicted (on)b225 (54)2694 (54)24 (118)275 (119)0.11 (68)0.10 (69)
Predicted (off)b110 (45)1319 (46)15 (65)176 (65)0.14 (48)0.13 (48)
  • a Fold-increase in Cmax and AUC0–∞ of the treatment group relative to control group.

  • b The simulation results with (on) and without (off) crizotinib DDI parameters.

  • c Ratio of the predicted results on over off.