Subjects phenotyped for CYP3A activity with MDZ and 4β-OHC tests

CharacteristicControl MDZ/4β-OHC (n = 20)NAFLD MDZ (n = 10)NAFLD 4β-OHC (n = 30)
Age, yr (range)43 (28–58)51 (27–63)49 (27–69)
Body mass index (range)24 (19–30)35 (28–45)33 (23–45)
HOMA IR (range)3.5 (1.7–6.5)3.1 (1–9.6)
NAFLD stagea
 No fibrosis16
Allele carrier statusc
 PPARα (rs4253728)12/5/06/4/016/12/2
 PNPLA3 (rs738409)2/7/19/14/7
  • a NASH was defined as an NAS [steatosis (0–3), lobular inflammation (0–3), and hepatocellular ballooning (0–2)] ≥3 plus a hepatocellular ballooning score ≥1. SS was defined as an NAS <3 or an NAS ≤3 with a ballooning score of 0.

  • b Degree of fibrosis was categorized by histologic fibrosis score (0–4; no fibrosis = 0 and fibrosis = ≥1).

  • c Number of noncarriers/heterozygous carriers/homozygous carriers. For the control group, genotype was available for 17 of 20 subjects.