Table 2

Summary of PBPK models published for narrow therapeutic index substrates

Main Clearance EnzymeCompoundApplicationModel TypeIV or OralClearanceaSimulated genotype specified?Population matched?bVerificationcAcceptance CriteriadSoftwareCitation
CYP1A2TheophyllinePregnancyFullOralBCNoSexB, D2Simcyp, Matlab(Ke et al., 2013b)
TheophyllineDDIMinimalBothIn vitroNoN.S.B, E1Matlab(Pan et al., 2011)
CYP2C9PhenytoinClinical PKMinimalOralIn vitroYesAge, Sex, PGXB1Simcyp(Polasek et al., 2009)
WarfarinDDIFullOralPENoAge, Sex, PGXA4Berkeley Madonna(Brantley et al., 2014)
CYP3A4CyclosporinePediatricsFullIVIn vivo, SFNoAgeC1AdaptII(Gérard et al., 2010)
CyclosporineDDIFullOralIn vitroNoN.S.E5WinNonlin(Guo et al., 2013)
CyclosporineDDIFullBothPENoN.S.C, E5Matlab(Gertz et al., 2013)
CyclosporineAllometryFullOralSFNoN.SA, D1PK Sim(Thiel et al., 2014)
QuinidineDDIFullOralIn vitroNoN.S.E5WinNonlin(Guo et al., 2013)
SirolimusClinical PKFullOralIn vitro, PENoAge, SexB, D, E1Simcyp(Emoto et al., 2013)
TacrolimusDDIFullOralIn vitroNoN.S.E5WinNonlin(Guo et al., 2013)
TacrolimusClinical PKMinimalOralBCYesAge, Sex, PGXD, E1PKquest(Gérard et al., 2014)
  • a BC = back-calculated from in vivo data, PE = parameter estimate, SF = scaling factor.

  • b PGX = genotype, N.S. = not specified.

  • c Data sets used in model verification included: (A) Single dose PK, (B) alternative dosing regimen, (C) alternative formulation, (D) alternative population, (E) DDI.

  • d Acceptance criteria fell into 5 categories: (1) Not specified, (2) Ratio of PK parameter(s) must be within 30% of observed ratio, (3) Ratio of PK parameter(s) must be within 2 fold of observed ratio, (4) PK parameters must be within 30% of observed parameters, (5) PK parameters must be within 2 fold of observed parameters.