Characteristics of cryopreserved human hepatocytes

Lot NumberAge of DonorViabilityaCause of Death/Medical History/MedicationOther Information
IZT44>89CVA/hypertension, diabetes, COPD, renal cell carcinoma/unknownSingle donor, female, Caucasian
DQB51>87CVA/asthma, anxiety/inhaler, antianxietySingle donor, female, Caucasian
GMX2>88Anoxia; secondary drowning/none reported/none reportedSingle donor, male, Hispanic
Hu143770>92Unknown/unknown/none reportedSingle donor, female, Caucasian
Hu811049>93CVA/unknown/vitamin DSingle donor, female, Asian
  • CVA, cerebrovascular accident/stroke; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • a Cell viability after thawing and followed resuspension in the present study.