Calculated rate constants for the disposition of brivaracetam and its metabolites, with and without rifampin

Rate Constant (1/h)aBrivaracetam (Reference)Brivaracetam Plus Rifampin (Test)Ratio (Test/Reference)
k10 (BRV urinary excretion)0.013 (25.1)0.022 (28.6)1.82
k20 (BRV-AC urinary excretion)0.433 (19.1)0.532 (23.3)1.23
k30 (BRV-OH urinary excretion)0.204 (57.3)0.177 (19.3)0.95
k40 (BRV-OHAC urinary excretion)0.851 (12.6)0.919 (19.4)1.08
k12 (BRV → BRV-AC)0.049 (13.6)0.049 (13.6)1.00b
k13 (BRV → BRV-OH)0.025 (44.5)0.089 (34.0)3.67
k24 (BRV-AC → BRV-OHAC)0.192 (26.6)0.210 (51.1)1.12
k34 (BRV-OH → BRV-OHAC)0.081 (119.7)0.081 (119.7)1.00b
  • a Rate constants are given as mean (coefficient of variation percentage).

  • b Fixed.