Table 1

Lactulose H2 Breath Tests—Linear Meta-Regression Model

Summary Statisticska = 14QM (df=1)b = 0.5296 (p = 0.4668)I2c = 92.53%R2d = 0.00%
EstimateStandard Errorp-Value95% CI (lower)95% CI (upper)
Fixed Effects
 Intercept (B0)73.81424.5321*64.931582.6969
 Age (B1)−0.36630.50340.4668−1.35290.6203
Random Effects
 Between study variance (τ2)239.7203116.7795
 Tau (τ)15.4829
  • a k = number of subject groups;

  • b QM = heterogeneity statistic (Cochran's Q) – tests whether any coefficient (not including the intercept) is significantly different than 0;

  • c I2 = % of total variability due to heterogeneity;

  • d R2 = % of total heterogeneity explained by the covariate(s);

  • * p-Value<0.0001; CI, confidence interval; —, value does not need to be determined.