Kinetic parameters obtained for metabolite formation in P450s

P450 EnzymeRelative Enzyme AbundanceaVmaxKmVmax/KmCLint Enzyme Contribution
pmol P450/mg proteinpmol/min per pmol P450µMµl/mg protein per min%
Formation of Met1 from CINPA1
Formation of Met2 from Met1
  • Kinetic parameters calculated for formation of Met1 from CINPA1 were estimated by fitting the velocity versus CINPA1 concentration curve for each enzyme to the Hill equation (curves represented in Supplemental Fig. 4A, as obtained from triplicate reaction wells). Kinetic parameters calculated for formation of Met2 from Met1 were estimated by fitting the velocity versus concentration curve in each enzyme, with Met1 as substrate, to the Hill equation (curves represented in Supplemental Fig. 4B, as obtained from triplicate reaction wells). Dashes indicate that the data for Met1 metabolism in CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 did not fit to the Hill equation and hence Vmax and Km could not be obtained (flagged as ambiguous by GraphPad Prism software).

  • a The enzyme abundance of various P450s in HLMs was obtained from data reported by Achour et al. (2014) and is a meta-analysis based combination of multiple studies using numerous microsomal donors.