Parameter estimations for plasma protein binding of NPX

ParametersDefinitionEstimates (CV%)
CIA FemalesHealthy FemalesCIA MalesHealthy Males
Ka1 (µM−1)Association constant for first binding site0.28 (3.53)0.25 (3.33)0.26 (4.00)0.26 (1.50)
Ka2 (µM−1)Association constant for second binding site0.0041 (4.2)0.0043 (4.35)0.0056 (11.75)0.0054 (2.65)
n1Number of first-class binding sites1 (Fixed)
n2Number of second-class binding sites4 (Fixed)
Pt (µM)Measured albumin concentration347 (Fixed)550 (Fixed)282 (Fixed)422 (Fixed)
n1Pta (µM)Binding capacity of first binding site347550282422
n2Pta (µM)Binding capacity of second binding site1388220011281688
  • a Binding capacities were calculated as the product of ni × Pt.