Extrapolation of the in vivo hepatic uptake clearance from the uptake clearance obtained using isolated hepatocytes and its comparison with the in vivo hepatic overall intrinsic clearance

Graphic, the hepatic uptake clearance in the absence of the albumin by isolated hepatocytes; Graphic, the in vivo hepatic uptake clearance extrapolated from the in vitro hepatic uptake by isolated hepatocytes; fB, unbound fraction in the blood; Graphic, the hepatic clearance for the blood; Graphic, the in vivo hepatic overall intrinsic clearance; Graphic, the ratio of Graphic to Graphic.

LigandsGraphicaGraphicbfBcEstimated Parameters by the Facilitated-Dissociation ModeldGraphiceGraphicfGraphic
μl/minper 106 cellsml/minper kilogramml/min per kilogramml/min per kilogram
ANS54.8 ± 4.5g263 ± 220.007963.51 ± 1.07h24.4 ± 17.5h2.706.438673.30
PTV26.9 ± 6.683.0 ± 20.30.0093348.8 ± 11.6h199 ± 61h10.69.64152018.3
  • a Data shown in Figs 57.

  • b Calculated using the following physiologic scaling factors: 1.2 × 108 cells/g of liver, 40 g liver/kg body weight for rat, 25.7 g liver/kg body weight for human (Davies and Morris, 1993).

  • c Calculated by dividing the unbound fraction in the plasma by the blood-to-plasma concentration ratio (Chung et al., 1990a; Watanabe et al., 2010).

  • d The parameters estimated by the fitting curves in Fig. 8; Graphic, the relative capacity for the interaction of albumin with the surface of hepatocytes; Graphic, the dissociation constant of the bound albumin from the surface; R5%, R value in the presence of 5% albumin.

  • e Values from the literature (Chung et al., 1990a; Watanabe et al., 2010).

  • f Calculated using a dispersion model as described previously (Roberts and Rowland, 1986; Iwatsubo et al., 1996).

  • g Converted the unit of Graphicto microliters per minute per 106 cells using a scaling factor of 1.1 × 106 cells/mg protein.

  • h ± calculated S.D.