Estimated AUC0–120h of siponimod and metabolites in the plasma of healthy men after a single 10-mg oral dose of [14C]siponimod

The AUC0–120 h is mean ± S.D., N = 4 (nmol*h/l), mean values of N = 4 subjects and individual values.

PeakCompound/MetaboliteAUC0–120 h% of Total [14C]
M3Glucuronide of M51850 ± 26818.4 ± 5.11
M5Formed by hydroxylation156 ± 29.01.51 ± 0.34
M6Formed by hydroxylation170 ± 39.91.63 ± 0.33
M7Formed by hydroxylation282 ± 87.82.75 ± 1.11
P29.6Unknown378 ± 1033.72 ± 1.49
P30.5Unknown192 ± 57.41.82 ± 0.47
P73.0Formed during sample processing190 ± 91.71.74 ± 0.62
SiponimodParent drug6320 ± 292057.1 ± 5.91a
Sum of unknown trace metabolites204 ± 29.82.02 ± 0.59
Lost during sample processing and HPLCb1040 ± 5789.30 ± 2.10
Total [14C]c10800 ± 3700100 ± (NC)
  • AUC0–120 h, area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 120 h; NC, not calculable, not meaningful.

  • a Here, 58.8%, including P73 formed by methyl-esterification of parent drug during sample preparation.

  • b This might be due to the formation of metabolite M17, which has a long half-life.

  • c Total of radiolabeled components.