Chenodeoxycholic acid as inducer of OATP1B1, OATP1B3, MRP2, and BSEP in vitro

Human Hepatocyte PreparationReported Fold-Increase in mRNA Expression (vs. Control)Reference
Cultured cellsa∼4.0∼3.5NR∼3.5Meyer Zu Schwabedissen et al., 2010
Cultured cellsbNR∼6.0∼2.0∼9.0Liu et al., 2014
Cultured cellsc0.71.5NR4.6Krattinger et al., 2016
Liver slicesd0.64.5NR3.0Jung et al., 2007
  • NR, not reported.

  • a Chenodeoxycholate conc. and incubation not specified by the authors.

  • b Chenodeoxycholate 30 µM (48 h).

  • c Chenodeoxycholate 50 µM (48 h).

  • d Chenodeoxycholate 10 µM (24 h).