Kp,uu values of test compounds in cynomolgus monkeys

The Kp,uu,lumbar CSF values were compared with Kp,uu,cisternal CSF and Kp,uu,ISF values that were previously determined.

Test CompoundsIn Vitro P-gp CERAUC (ng∙h/ml)aKp,uu,lumbar CSFaKp,uu,cisternal CSFb,cKp,uu,ISFb,dKp,uu Ratio
Unbound PlasmaLumbar CSFGraphicGraphicGraphic
Antipyrine1.0b1730 ± 6991840 ± 6921.10 ±
Carbamazepine1.0b1170 ± 4761560 ± 6061.34 ±
Lamotrigine1.1b15,990 ± 160015,700 ± 9430.990 ± 0.0660.8750.6781.11.51.3
Ondansetron2.0b665 ± 118570 ± 800.885 ± 0.2590.4810.4831.81.81.0
E20742.2b244 ± 38255 ± 411.05 ± 0.110.7330.4801.42.21.5
Risperidone3.9b14.3 ± 3.76.59 ± 2.250.458 ± 0.0740.1330.1263.43.61.1
Verapamil5.4b306 ± 21124 ± 140.406 ± 0.0580.1830.07892.25.12.3
Paliperidone8.9e356 ± 16673.7 ± 15.10.226 ± 0.0610.0490NT4.6NANA
Desloratadine12b409 ± 379.7 ± 2.90.195 ± 0.0060.1290.06091.53.22.1
Quinidine13b473 ± 66132 ± 280.278 ± 0.0290.1690.06581.64.22.6
  • NA, not applicable; NT, not tested.

  • a Mean ± S.D. of three animals.

  • b Nagaya et al., 2014.

  • c Kp,uu,cisternal CSF was the cisternal CSF-to-unbound plasma drug conc. ratio determined at steady state after intravenous infusion in cynomolgus monkeys.

  • d Kp,uu,ISF was the ISF-to-unbound plasma drug conc. ratio determined at steady state after intravenous infusion in cynomolgus monkeys.

  • e Mean of triplicate determinations.