β-Artemether (AM), the O-methyl ether prodrug of dihydroartemisinin (DHA), is an endoperoxide antimalarial. The biliary metabolites of AM in adult male Wistar rats were characterized with particular reference to potential antimalarial compounds and stable derivatives of free radical intermediates. [13-14C]-AM (35 μmol kg−1, i.v.) was administered to anesthetized rats. Within 0 to 3 h, 38.6 ± 4.8% (mean ± S.D.,n = 6) of the radiolabel was recovered in bile; the 0- to 5-h recovery was 42.3 ± 4.3%. The major metabolites (0–3 h) were the glucuronides of 9α-hydroxyAM (33.4 ± 6.8% biliary radioactivity) and α-DHA (22.5 ± 4.4%); four stereochemically unassigned monohydroxyAM glucuronides (II, 3.1 ± 0.9;IV, 4.4 ± 1.7%; V, 21.4 ± 3.0%;VI, 3.0 ± 1.1%) and a dihydroxyAM glucuronide (6.0 ± 2.1%) were also identified. A sixth monohydroxyAM glucuronide (VIIa) and desoxyDHA glucuronide were detected in trace amounts. The furano acetate isomer of DHA glucuronide, indicative of the formation of a radical intermediate, was also found in trace amounts. O-methyl substitution of DHA favors ring hydroxylation in vivo. However, the principal hydroxylated metabolite, 9α-hydroxyAM, is unlikely to possess significant antimalarial activity.
Send reprint requests to: B.K. Park, Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Liverpool, Ashton Street, Medical School, Liverpool L69 3GE, UK. E-mail: b.k.park{at}liv.ac.uk
This study was supported by the B. and V. Ax:son Johnson Foundation, the Wellcome Trust (L.P.D.B.), and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (P.M.O'N.). The LC-MS system was purchased and maintained by means of grants from the Wellcome Trust. B.K.P. is a Wellcome Principal Research Fellow. A preliminary communication was presented at the Spring 1998 meeting of the British Pharmacological Society and published in abstract form [Bell et al. (1998)Br J Pharmacol 124 (Proceedings Suppl)42P].
- Abbreviations used are::
- AM
- β-artemether
- [14C]AM
- β-[13-14C]AM
- collision-induced dissociation
- dihydroartemisinin
- dehydroglucuronic acid
- liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
- liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- uridine 5′-diphosphoglucuronic acid
- Received March 15, 1999.
- Accepted October 18, 1999.
- The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
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