A STING (stimulator of interferon genes) agonist GSK3996915 under investigation in early discovery for hepatitis B was orally dosed to a mouse model for understanding the parent drug distribution in liver, the target organ. MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) was used to quantify the distribution of GSK3996915 in liver collected from mice administered a single oral dose at 90 mg/kg. GSK3996915 was detected with a zonal distribution localized in the portal triad and highly concentrated in the main bile ducts, indicating clearance through biliary excretion. High spatial resolution imaging showed the distribution of the parent drug localized to the cellular populations in the sinusoids including the Kupffer cells. Additionally, a series of drug-related metabolites were observed to be localized in the central zones of the liver. These results exemplify the potential of utilizing MALDI IMS for measuring not only quantitative drug distribution and target exposure, but also drug metabolism and elimination in a single suite of experiments.
Significance Statement An integrated imaging approach utilizing MALDI IMS, immunohistochemistry (IHC), and histology was used to measure MALDI IMS complemented with other imaging techniques such as immunohistochemistry addressed the question of target exposure at the cellular level. Localized quantification of the parent drug in the target organ and identificaitonidentification of potential metabolites in the context of tissue histology were also achieved in one experimental suite to support characterization of pharmacokinetic properties of the drug in the early discovery stage.
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