Table 2

Pharmacokinetic parameters of tamsulosin after oral administration to rats

ParameterDose (mg/kg)
Cmax (ng/ml)6.556.1283.9
AUC0–∞(ng·hr/ml)8.82-a 55290
t 1/2(hr)2-b 0.991.15
CLoral (l/hr/kg)113.62-c 54.534.5
F (%)6.92-c 14.422.8
  • Values represent the mean of three (1 and 3 mg/kg) or four (10 mg/kg) rats.

  • 2-a 0–4 hr value (AUC0–4 h).

  • 2-b Not calculable due to insufficient data points.

  • 2-c Calculated using the AUC0–4 hr.