Table 1

Summary of studies reporting expression and quantification of CYP2B6 protein in hepatic tissue

Incidence of Detectionpmol/mgAntibodyStandardNotesReference
Mean (S.D.)HighLow
2 /10201-a pAb anti-CYP2B1rCYP2B61-b (microsomal) Baker et al., 1995
6 /3020pAb anti-CYP2B1 peptiderCYP2B6 (microsomal) Edwards et al., 1998
8 /3027pAb anti-CYP2B6 peptiderCYP2B6 (microsomal) Boobis et al., 1996
9 /3030∼0.251-c ∼21-c0pAb anti-monkey CYP2B17Monkey CYP2B17Japanese population Shimada et al., 1994
26 /3087  11-c ∼2.51-c 0pAb anti-monkey CYP2B17Monkey CYP2B17Caucasian population Shimada et al., 1994
? /400.14  (0.62)pAb anti-monkey CYP2B17Monkey CYP2B17Japanese population Guengerich, 1995
? /321.4  (1.8)pAb anti-monkey CYP2B17Monkey CYP2B17Caucasian population Guengerich, 1995
12 /141-c 86pAb anti-CYP2B1rCYP2B6 (lysate)Thai population; “high level of CYP2B6 expression” Kirby et al., 1993
17 /1710015  (21)74 0pAb anti-CYP2B1rCYP2B6 (microsomal) Code et al., 1997
? /16∼31-c ∼171-c 0? pAb anti-rCYP2B6Purified rCYP2B6 Imaoka et al., 1996
2 /10202.65  (5.94)pAb anti-rCYP2B6Purified rCYP2B6Ages perinatal through 1 yr old Tateishi et al., 1997
7 /107019.36  (23.9)pAb anti-rCYP2B6Purified rCYP2B6 Tateishi et al., 1997
24 /269210.9  (9.5)280mAb anti-rCYP2B6Purified rCYP2B6 Yang et al., 1998
12 /121-c 100pAb anti-CYP2B1rCYP2B6 (lysate)CYP2B6 high in donor with phenobarbital medication Forrester et al., 1992
12 /5024∼1.4  (1.5)1-c 70pAb anti-monkey CYP2B17Monkey CYP2B17 Mimura et al., 1993
13 /131-c 100pAb anti-CYP2B1CYP2B1CYP2B6 comigrated with CYP2B11-d Yamano et al., 1989
19 /191009.77  (17.6)71.10.7mAb anti-rCYP2B6rCYP2B6 (microsomal) Ekins et al., 1998
28 /2810024.9  (18.2)822pAb anti-CYP2B6 peptiderCYP2B6 (microsomal)Present study
  • pAb, polyclonal antibody; mAb, monoclonal antibody.

  • 1-a A dash indicates these data were not reported.

  • 1-b rCYP2B6 refers to recombinant CYP2B6.

  • 1-c Estimated from visual examination.

  • 1-d We and others (Forrester et al., 1992) have found CYP2B1 to have a lower mobility in gels than CYP2B6.