Table 4

β-Glucuronidase activity in tissue microsomal samples from human and dog

Tissueβ-Glucuronidase Activity −Saccharic Acid 1,4-Lactoneβ-Glucuronidase Activity +Saccharic Acid 1,4-LactoneInhibition
pmol/min/mg %
HLM58  ± 8.510  ± 5.283
HKM35  ± 9.022  ± 1737
DLM36  ± 7.97.6  ± 7.279
DKM130  ± 2127  ± 3479

HLM were produced by pooling microsomes prepared from six human livers, each one characterized as shown in Fig. 1. HKM were prepared from the kidney of a single human. DLM were prepared from the liver of a single beagle dog. DKM were prepared from the kidney of a single beagle dog. Data are mean ± S.D. of three individual expts. performed in duplicate.