Table 1

Antibodies used for Western bolt analysis

AntibodyTarget SpeciesP/MSource (Company)StandardsResults (+/−)1-a
 1A1  RatPXenoTech3MC
 1A1/2  RatPXenoTech3MC
 1A1/2  RabbitPOxford Biomedical3MC +
 2A6  HumanMGentest2A6 +
 2B1/2  RatMOxford BiomedicalPB and 2B6
 2B1/2  RatPOxford BiomedicalPB and 2B6 +
 2B1/2  RatPXenoTechPB and 2B6 +
 2D6  HumanMGentest2D6 +
 2E1  RatPXenoTechAcetone +
 2E1  RatPGentest1-b Acetone +
 3A1/2  RatPXenoTechDEX +
 4A1/3  RatPGentestClofibrate +
  • P/M, polyclonal or monoclonal antibody; 3MC, 3-methylcholanthrene; DEX, dexamethasone; recombinant human 2B6; recombinant human 2D6.

  • 1-a  (+/−), positive (+) or negative (−) antibody binding (Western blot) using swine liver microsomes. All western blot analyses used a concurrent positive control appropriate for the test primary antibody.

  • 1-b  Cross-reacts with rat 2C11 and 2C13. No evidence of cross-reactivity with swine 2C11 or 2C13 was observed.