Table 4

Effect of induction on swine microsomal enzyme activities

EnzymeInduced (N = 2)Control (N = 3) Mean ± S.D.
P4504-a  1.42, 0.700.22  ± 0.12
P450/mg S104-b  0.34, 0.170.05  ± 0.01
Cytb 5 4-a  0.83, 0.610.50  ± 0.25
Cytcreductase4-c  78.55, 73.0150.15  ± 126.60
Cytb 5 4-d  6.85, 3.893.34  ± 1.04
  • Cyt, cytochrome.

  • 4-a  P450 and cytochromeb 5 expressed as nmol/mg microsomal protein.

  • 4-b  Calculated P450 content in S10 preparation.

  • 4-c  Expressed as nmol cytochromec reduced/min/mg microsomal protein.

  • 4-d  Expressed as μmol potassium ferricyanide reduced/min/mg microsomal protein.